Paper Submissions

Approved papers

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The conference brings together a number of scientific gatherings to contribute to the construction of geography as a critical academic discipline committed to social transformation. The conference theme – “Land, Forest and Water Development” – is intended to expand debate over the agrarian question globally. It is our belief that an international conference focused on a broad theme will facilitate a deeper discussion of assumed wisdom and conventional perspectives.

Dubious about paradigms which defend the singular expansion of a homogenous capitalist model, we encourage submissions that will help us understand reality in all its complexity and diversity. This objective reflects our enduring commitment to serious reflection of the agrarian question which remains unresolved to the present day in various countries.

The Third International Rural Geography Conference commemorates the life and work of Ariovaldo Umbelino de Oliveira, professor emeritus of the University of Sao Paulo. Papers that honor this important scientist by critically considering his contributions to Brazilian rural geography are especially welcome.

