Paper Submissions


Please read carefull the instructions on this page to make sure your application and paper abstract are received properly.

Applicatons will be received on-line via the site www.prudente.unesp.br/agraria.
The application deadline, including the sign-up form and a presentation abstract, is May 31, 2005
(extended to June 15, 2005). After this date, it will no longer be possible to submit applications and abstracts to participate in the symposium but applications to attend the conference will still be accepted until October 31, 2005. Each participant can submit up to two presentation abstracts.

The application fees are as follows:

Until 08/31/2005
From 09/01 to 10/31/2005
Undergraduate Studies*
R$ 50.00
R$ 70.00
R$ 100.00
Graduate Students*
R$ 70.00
R$ 100.00
R$ 140.00
University Professors and Others
R$ 120.00
R$ 150.00
R$ 240.00

*At the time of check-in on-site, undergraduate and graduate students must present proof of their enrollment during 2005. Proof can take the form of an official letter from the institution, a current transcript, validated identity card, or other documentation from the school. Without such proof, the participants will be required to pay the difference between their rates and that of “University Professors and Others.”

INSTRUCTIONS FOR DEPOSITS: Bank deposit receipts should be requested, showing the amount paid and the full name of the applicant. For those with Bank of Brazil accounts, application fees can be paid on-line via ATM or Internet. Deposit should be made by each individual and not collectively. 

PAYMENT FOR FOREIGNERS: Those lacking access to the Brazilian banking system can pay their fees at the time of check-in at the symposium. The amount to be paid will correspond to the exchange rate current on the day the on-line application was submitted. As detailed above, students should arrive prepared to prove their current enrollment in order to avoid paying at a higher rate. Foreign attendees can also pay for their participation upon arrival at the symposium. For those who complete on-line application forms, a confirmation letter will be sent and the letter should be presented upon check-in at the symposium.

Bank Account Details for Application Fee**
Banco do Brasil
Branch: 2958-0
Checking Account: 15233-1
Bernardo Mançano Fernandes
Marta Inez Mederos Marques

**Except for foreigners living outside Brazil, applicants should present proof of the fee payment when signing up for the symposium.

Clicking on the link below (On-line sign-up) accesses an application form that can be completed and sent on-line.

On-line sign-up

